Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How The Smart Way to Education?

The impact of globalization is in every sphere of life, paving the way for more career opportunities and bringing the world closer. This has changed the whole concept of education system, making it more flexible and interesting. The technology has entered our classrooms a long time back in the form of computers, language labs, audio-visual aids, but the concept of online teaching and hi-tech labs have taken our schools and colleges to new heights. These facilities in the schools help the children to become friendly with technology and teach them in a more practical way. There are many institutes which have adopted video conference software to give the best education available. How can this software help in imparting education? This question might be troubling you. Let's see how it can bring a change in the learning system.

Making overseas education available for everyone

There was a time when only the rich and influential people were able to send their children abroad to get education, as it was a costly affair. The advancement in technology has brought a sea change which has opened doors for many foreign universities and international schools. The standard of education has gone up since then and now the smaller schools are also adopting new methods to attract students. One of the best methods available today is video conferencing solutions, which help in bringing the best of faculty home to teach our students. There are many schools which are teaching through this medium especially in subjects dealing with foreign languages.

Getting practical help

It is always said that a child learns better by experiencing things, but it is not possible to make him experience each and everything we teach. The more practical a subject is, the more interesting it becomes. So the best way to make students learn is by letting them do things on their own. The video conference software connects you to anywhere in the world and actually helps in giving practical help. For instance, we are teaching cultural diversity to youngsters, we can take them to a different country to study their culture without moving out of the room.

Online tutorials

Nowadays a lot of money is spend on coaching in different subjects, especially in the problem areas. It wastes a lot of time and energy also, as the students have to cope with school along with coaching. The internet has given us access to all information and we can now get tuition from the best lot through video conferencing. This medium of communication gives a real classroom feeling and everyone gets proper attention.

Calling the leaders

Inspiration plays a vital role in the overall growth of the students. A peep into the lives of great personalities makes all the difference. Guest lecturers can be arranged in schools and colleges with the help of video conferencing solutions, which otherwise can be a costly affair. This type of live sessions and lectures inspire children a lot, and builds a sense of belonging and self-confidence.

Student exchange program

In such programs students have to go to different countries to understand their culture and education system. Some time it becomes difficult for students to adjust to different surroundings and a lot of money is spend on travelling and all. Instead of sending the students to some foreign country, it's better to make the students under exchange program to attend the classes through video conferencing which will be as effective as a real exchange program.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Future Concept Trends for 2012

What are some of the future concept Trends that which we will see in 2012? Well, we will see incremental changes obviously in every category, and much of this will be due to the changing consumer sentiment, thanks to more online interaction, greater data flow, and all the social networking. We will also see thanks to new technologies, tablets, and with Apple future trends in every sector, for instance in the healthcare sector we will see these new productivity tools used to increase efficiency, and accuracy with diagnostics. Okay so let's talk about some more of the future trends for this year.

Some of the trends we will see have to do with the flow of money and the current state of global economics. Some industries may not see many changes due to reduced research and development budgets. Other industries will be forced to change just to stay in business. We are witnessing this right now in the media as they "couple themselves" to all this mobile personal technology. Private space flight is coming along strong, and we will watch free enterprise deliver people, and supplies to the international space station. We will also witness more wealthy entrepreneurs getting involved in the concept of future space hotels, lunar colonies, and even the prospects for a trip to Mars, even if it's only one way.

Will this be the year that we have a breakthrough in alternative energy, curing cancer, or see the first holographic smart phones? Perhaps not, nor will this be the year that scientists are able to fully map the human brain, and get ready for the next generation of devices which allow for thought swapping. This probably will not be the year that humankind is able to figure out life extension, or build automobiles which never crash. We will most likely not build solar panels worthy of the ROI for the cost spent for installation and purchase. However, we will make great strides in all of those things.

This may be the year that we perfect a bunker buster munitions device to guarantee destruction of underground nuclear weapons facilities. This may be the year that we solve the problem of overpriced textbooks in our high schools and colleges in this country. Yes, this will be a great year for future concepts, and there will be incremental advances, with a few revolutionary discoveries. Where they will occur is currently unknown, but I suspect they will occur in nanotechnology, material sciences, artificial intelligence, and in the industries of transportation, computers, entertainment, and healthcare. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Pursuing Higher Education In Japan

If you've decided to study in a foreign country, it would be to your benefit to research the educational opportunities offered by Japan. Think about being educated in the country that has made the most economic progress since World War II. You can enroll in courses or participate in a research project using the same technology that has elevated Japan to the top of the world's economy.

In Japan, the old and new have been able to coexist creating a culture that values ancient eastern philosophies, while adopting capitalism and western business practices. If you become a part of this culture, you will gain a well-rounded experience. You can visit some of the oldest temples in the world and then complete your work or class assignments using state-of-the-art technology, all in the same day.

Japan's educational reputation speaks for itself, as many of the world's leaders have studied there, and a number of Japan's scientists and writers have recently been awarded a Nobel Prize. The most popular fields of study are electronics, Japanese literature, medicine, and international business. It is a goal of all the educational institutions to provide a quality educational experience supported by research, computer, and library facilities.

The Japanese government has set a goal of increasing foreign student enrollment from the current 140,000 to 300,000 students by the year 2020. This provides you with a unique opportunity to be recruited by a graduate or undergraduate institution, a junior college, or a specialty training school or college of technology. The type of institution you choose will depend on your educational and career goals.

Undergraduate education generally lasts four years at one of the national, private, or public universities with the option of continuing on to one of the graduate schools to obtain a Master's or doctoral degree. At a junior college, you could study education, sociology, and the humanities over a two or three-year period. Finally, the specialized training schools provide vocational skills training, while the colleges of technology offer five-year programs to junior high school graduates.

Before enrolling in one of the above institutions, most foreign students spend one to two years in a Japanese language school. There are also multiple immigration procedures to follow, the details of which are coordinated by the immigration information center. Don't be discouraged by what might seem like red tape, however, because there are many schools from which to choose and a variety of financial aid to support your venture.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What The Theory of Everything?

A large machine designed to create a mass explosion of two matter particles which have being rushed at extreme velocity. The result of this collision will produce a massive chain reaction that will break move and disperse these matter particles to produce, everything we know, including life.

A Matter particle known as Higgs Boson or God Particle helps these particles to reach different locations and aid the production of life. It is imperative that this Higgs Boson gets found during the explosion the problem is that a larger space is a most have to reproduce the big bang explosion and create mini matter particles and open the door the possibilities of finding this Higgs Boson particle. Life is created by the Matter Particle known as Higgs Boson or God's particle.

A larger machine or space will help generate a large explosion of matter thus larger amounts of material will offer the right conditions to recreate the big bang theory and find the particle Higgs Boson. Gravity is also an essential part to this massive explosion scientists will need to learn to harness it and channel it to introduce it to explosion of matter. Gravity is necessary for the explosion to disperse the newly broken particles at the right time and speed. How much do we know about the God Particle We do not know much about it, just that it will give the conditions that will at the right time of the explosion create that fabulous moment of enlightenment, that moment that provides with the answer to the question about the purpose of an enormous explosion and life creation.

Could it be that gravity is undoubtedly that elusive God Particle we desperate search for? It will bring so much understanding and deep achievements as part of humanity to find the answer to this incredible question of the purpose of life and life meaning! Only time will tell for now the work of science is cut up and is possible that the world is getting close to a moment of change.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Studying Abroad Is A Viable Option For Most College Students

Students who are thinking about studying abroad in college must make some decisions when it comes to fitting this valuable experience into their degree programs. After all, many students have tight schedules when it comes to completing college, but that doesn't mean they want to give up on a meaningful study abroad experience. Looking into your options when it comes to the length of your study abroad program can help you decide whether you can fit this experience in.

In some cases, students want to experience a full immersion in the culture of their host country. These students may opt to spend an entire academic year living and learning in a country of their choice. While studying abroad, students will have an experience similar to that of a college student native to that host country. They will attend classes at a local college or university and have the opportunity both to acquire the local language and to truly get to know the surrounding area.

Studying abroad for an entire year is an educational and life-changing experience for students who opt to make this long-term commitment. Of course, this choice is not right for everyone. Students who study abroad for a year should be prepared for transitional periods that will occur when relocating to the host country as we;; as when returning to the United States at the year's close. This intense experience is rewarding but may be too long of a period for some students to spend away from family and friends.

For many students, spending a semester abroad is just right. A semester can go by quickly, but it will also provide ample time to explore your host country, improve your language skills, and meet many interesting people. You will live and learn at a local college or university in a slightly less intensive way.

A semester abroad is usually the most common choice for college students looking to get this experience. A semester abroad does come with big changes, and students must allow themselves time to adapt to the culture and language of their host country. This experience is often more manageable for students than an entire year abroad.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Field Waiting to Be Explored

Fiction throughout its history has embraced many subjects, and viewpoints. It is a potent tool of education, but, 'educational fiction' is a field waiting to be studied and accepted. This commentary will propose a rationale for considering 'educational fiction' as a genre.

Educational fiction arguably began with Geoffrey Chaucer (1340 -1400): J. D. Rolleston in a Lancet article 'Chaucer and Medieval Medicine (1932)' argues that Chaucer's works - notably The Canterbury Tales - are as concerned with medical conditions (plague, leprosy and malaria) as with literary innovation.

Medically trained Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) could be termed the 'father' of modern education fiction. Medicine and medical instruments feature heavily in his novels, from the cataract knife in 'Silver Blaze' (1892) to the obscure poison of 'The Lion's Mane' (1926). His interest in ophthalmology appears in Round the Red Lamp, a 1894 collection of short stories; one of these, 'The Doctors of Hoyland' describes an iridectomy. Laura Synder's article Sherlock Holmes: Scientific Detective credits Doyle and Holmes with reawakening the public's interest and trust in forensic science. In 1932 the Lancet in an editorial The Sherlockian Method in Epidemiology commented that Sherlock Holmes' methods of deduction were widely used in epidemiology.

Doyle's Sherlock Holmes inspired many scientist-writers who recognised fiction's educational power. Jonathan Kellerman, a psychologist, has penned several bestselling novels incorporating psychology themes. When the Bough Breaks (1985) explained the mind's workings in layman's terms and received huge critical acclaim. The novel's reception, and Kellerman's continual success, demonstrates that the public is willing to be educated in conventionally academic and medical topics.

Any line of work now has a fresh angle to approach the public. The radiographer and radiologist are a crucial part of diagnosis, yet few are acquainted with their roles. The American College of Radiology commissioned research into exactly this problem in 2008, resulting in a 'Face of Radiology' campaign. However in 2009 Gunderman and Mortell examined scripts from several TV programs. They found that radiologists were either portrayed negatively, or missing. Perhaps the 'Face' campaign's repercussions had yet to filter through print and film media - but it could also be argued that, had an established writer penned an edufictional novel with a radiologist as a main character, the results could have been more dramatic. Education fiction is not simply about incorporating technical language into a novelistic format.

Current readers of fiction are more inter-disciplinary in their tastes than their Holmes-era counterparts, perhaps due to widespread multimedia and increasing university attendance. So we need a standardised classification of fictional books with accurate references under the genre of 'education fiction' (abbreviated to 'edufiction'). A reader of an 'edufiction' would be assured, perhaps, of a bibliography to verify some of the assumptions it makes. Any specialist terms could be explained in a glossary, and an appendix would include recommendations for further reading. I propose the following generic definition:

"An edufictional novel intends to educate its reader, and may also seek to promote awareness about its chosen topics. Although the narrative is fictitious, all its references are verifiable, and all its assumptions plausible in the light of current thought."